Coronavirus or Covid-19 has been categorised as a pandemic affecting companies and industries globally. Organisations are being forced to rely on technology such to Skype calls to replace face to face meetings along with the use of cloud hosting platforms to gain access to files as some employees are being forced to self-isolate. Globalisation has been a key driving force that has enabled an increasing number of organisations to use technology to improve connectivity and communications within a changing workplace, ironically it is also a contributing factor to the global spread of Coronavirus.
As some employees and organisations choose to self-isolate and work from home, others are limited by the nature of their work and access to files. As the Telegraph states in their recent article, the best companies will learn from a crisis and emerge in better shape by adapting and turning that into their advantage. Some strategies that companies may be forced to implement include moving all files to a cloud based system. This would form part of a contingency plan that would allow employees to work from home with minimal disruption whilst avoiding the spread of Covid-19.
Document scanning and digitising files on to a cloud based system such as SharePoint or OneDrive is a method that is rapidly being adopted by businesses in the UK to improve connectivity and continuity within the workplace. Document scanning is the process of transforming paper to data. A professional document scanning company like Topwood collect, prepare, index and scan paper documents and make them available to the customer either on a USB or upload directly to their cloud based server.
Some benefits of document scanning include:
- One step closer to a paperless office environment
- Improved document management
- Better data security
- Audit compliance
- Contribute to a greener environment.
Cloud based hosting allows 24/7 multi-departmental access to files. Once scanned, the files are fully searchable and access is immediate. As part of a lean process, document management improvements are aimed at taking costs out of the business and improve work flows.
See more information on our document scanning pages or get in contact for a free trial on 0800 781 1066 or email us at