Notice to all Topwood customers regarding confidential waste collections, document storage services and document scanning services.

At Topwood Ltd, the health and safety of our employees and customers is always a top priority. As the situation within the UK is changing, we wanted to let you know that we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure we can continue to service you. Whilst Topwood remains fully operational and open for business as usual, the health of our customers and drivers is of the utmost importance to us. Our employees have clear guidance on how to assess and minimise the risk posed by Coronavirus, this includes changes to our operating procedures, such as taking steps to reduce and prevent face-to-face contact.

Given the seriousness of Coronavirus, we hope you will agree that this precautionary measure is appropriate and your cooperation during this period is appreciated. We will monitor the government’s guidance in relation to COVID-19 and will respond accordingly to any updates.

All regular confidential waste collections will be postponed in Non-Essential industries. Unless we hear from you, your service will be cancelled or postponed at no charge and look to resume scheduled collections on June 1st 2020.

Delivery of files and boxes for document storage customers will continue, or can be scanned and sent via email if preferred.

Please get in contact if you have any queries or would like to discuss your service requirements with one of our team.

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