From April 2024 it becomes law for all businesses, charities and public sector organisations in Wales to sort their waste for recycling. The following materials will have to be separated for collection, and collected separately:
- Food
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Glass
- Metal, plastic and cartons
- Unsold textiles
- Unsold small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE)
This level of waste segregation will require additional resources including time, space and equipment (containers). As a result many facilities and business managers are reviewing their waste arrangements.
Topwood provide secure confidential waste channels to over 250 businesses in Wales and to help customers manage these new regaulations customers are being encouraged to consider a shred-all policy. Uner such policies all paper is disposed of using the containers or receptacles provided by Topwood.
A shred all policy for office waste paper and the recycling of commercial waste paper are two sides of the same coin.
Implementing shred all practices delivers two considerable benefits:
1. Consolidatiing confidential, and non confidential into a single waste stream requires less resources, and:
2. It avoids the inherent risks and mistakes that can occur with requiring employees to determine if paperwork is, or is no confidential.
To help out customers recommend that all paper based waste is deposited into secured waste receptacles from where it will be collected, shredded and sorted in Wrexham before being recycled in North Wales.