Data Security Incident Trends

Did you know...

Most security incidents reported to the ICO in 2023 were a result of the incorrect handling, loss, or theft of confidential materials.

The result of negligent, or deliberate bahaviour in your workplace could put your business at risk. There are a number of easy to follow measures to prevent loss.

Each year in the UK there are hundreds of data security breaches as a result of incorrect handling, loss, or theft of senstive materials.

A deep dive into the ICO’s published data reveals that in 2023 non-cyber incidents increase 17% compared to 2022. Did you know it is estimated that 35% of data breaches happen inside of businesses due to simple human error?

Documents should be secured from the moment they are created to point they are no longer needed. Your workplace is full of confidential paperwork that could cause real loss in the wrong hands. One of the most effective ways to prevent security breaches from either within an organisation is by adopting a shred-all policy which will ensure all documents are securely destroyed on a regular basis.

The benefits of a shred all policy…

  • Strenghens infomation privcy and confidentlity
  • Simplifies document disposal for everyone
  • Staff no longer need to decide what information is, or is not confidential
  • Improves compliance with privacy rules and regualations, and
  • All paper in Topwood’s containers is securely shredded and recycled.

Adopting a shred all policy is just part of an integrated system for improving information security.

To find out more:

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